Contact - Jon Lewis - PO Box 6721 East Perth 6892 - 0404 005 882 (Text Only) -

Did you know Jon Lewis is a Radio Announcer in Perth Western Australia WA and broadcasts on 6PR 882 AM. Jon Lewis is a Professional Quiz Master for Corporate, Social Groups and Charities. He also provides Perth Party Photos service.

Five Health Tips

Eat six smaller meals a day

Always have protein with each meal

Fruit is best to have only with breakfast

Have carbohydrates until half way in your day. (Potatoes, Sweat Potatoes, Sweat Corn, Carrots, Rice, Bread…)


Five Exercise Tips

Work out three times a week for 45mins a time

Good form is very important, less weight more form.

Bigger muscles burn more fat, even while you sleep

Do the best you can

Listen to your body

 times there seemed too much too do and good protein shake gave me a big boost and was really time efficient.  The supplements took the guesswork out of whether I was getting all the nutrition to fuel my body at a cellular level.

Susan Mansfield

Wellness Coach / Personal Trainer/ Food For Fitness Chef

The simplest and most effective way to work out is have trainer.  She told me what to do, how and the correct form. Susan also advised and coached my eating plan too. I owe a lot to my trainer. Call Susan 0405438001


Larry Hook Fitness - Private Personal Training Studio

18 Wellman Street Perth W.A.

A good gym makes the working out experience a whole lot more successful. Susan operates from a  personal training studio, and operated by voted Australia's best, Larry Hook. He set the gym up the way he always thought a gym should be and now it is. The gym is fully equipped and open for personal training only. Call Susan 0405438001

Need more? Ask Now

Jon’s Six Pack

10th November 2008 to 10th November 2009

What a year!



I had a birthday and thought, “what now?” I needed a goal, I needed somewhere to go. So I chose a goal that had a clear path, a cookbook goal. My fitness friends were doing well and lead me to believe anyone could have a six-pack, even a guy like me. Twelve months later and just three work outs a week, oh and six meals a day, I got my six-pack.  I did this and gave it a year, so what can I give the next year to? What can you give a year too. Look back and see your self from the future, what can you see? Now do what takes to see that vision for real.


Jon’s preferred protein powder and supplement is Herbalife Cellular Nutrition. I use this company all the time and felt very good about it. Call Jon for more details on 0404 005 882


I really believe you can do this too. Please do contact me by email and ask me how you too can have a flat stomach or even your own 6PACK if you choose? You really can do it! I know you can. Jon Lewis

How to get a Six pack abs fast  for men and women with diet and exercise. We speak about workout, routine  and abdominal exercises.  In 2 weeks feel the difference and more muscles in six weeks with a  bodybuilding plan with recipes and a program to chart your success. This is a license to enjoy life and we show you how to shock, sculpt and trim your stomach to gain a home ripped flat stomach. Try it now while watching a movie.